Sunday, 23 August 2015

Devil's Spittleful

If I could sum up today's walk in one word it would definitely be: RAIN. I set out at midday and I was soaked through by one o'clock. It was today that I rigorously questioned whether or not I was crazy, or just really stupid. (the answer I settled on was both)

So I set about on finding the 'Devious Devil' series of Caches, starting adjacent to the West Midlands Safari Park. Taking a wooded path behind the Safari Park's fencing was quite exciting, although I couldn't see any baby kangaroos through the chain-link. I found these caches pretty easy to find, which I was very thankful of because the miserable weather was quickly turning my mood sour! For each log that I found and signed, there had been two other names signed on this very same day. Although I didn't come across a single soul whilst I was out.

I came home with 7 Finds, and 3 DNFs, although I didn't log any of these as I know I didn't do a thorough look, so I will be going back soon to have a proper rummage! I also didn't go up to the top of Devil's Spittle Rock, I really just wanted to keep trudging along to get home. But I will be sure to go back very soon. (When it isn't raining hopefully!) But either way, the surrounding nature reserve was a beautiful sight, even in the gloomy settings. I can't wait to go back and take my time there.
Calluna - Common Heather

I have given myself a little research project (don't you just love the word project!) Anyway, I want to educate myself of Heathland habitats before I go back. So I can truly understand and appreciate the habitat when I am there, and this is something I would like to do before I go to any new area. I want to learn, not just observe. I think it would also be pretty cool to share these findings as maybe 'Idiots Guides' mhmm, that'd be pretty cool!

Devils's Spittleful Nature Reserve 
A few things I learnt from today's Geocaching adventure: 
  1. I really need to buy a small first aid kit, just in case!
  2. I really need to bring a small hand towel, signing logs with wet hands is not ideal!
  3. I should buy a pair of weatherproof gloves. 
  4. My iPhone doesn't do great in the rain ... (shocker) 

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Geocaching Trio

On Sunday (16th August 2015) I met up with two complete strangers.  Being pretty new to Geocaching I'd only really ever gone alone, or gone with friends I had introduced to it. And here I was, approaching a stranger I didn't know, to check if he was in the fact the man I had agreed to meet. Having introduced ourselves, we chatted whilst we waited for the third and final Cacher. One thing became very apparent: Geocachers are inherently incapable of finding each other. Eventually we found the third and final Geocacher.

We followed the riverside footpath from Bewdley to Stourport, then crossed the river and walked back along the other side. And boy, the weather was absolutely gorgeous! Around 15 caches found with ease (perks of walking with experts eh!) with just one DNF :(

It was definately a lovely experience, to be able to share the day with two lovely people, who both loved to do this same thing! And they also kindly answered all my lame newbie questions, so I am now slightly more knowledgeable now. 

I am now planning a short day trip for this Sunday, hopefully to pick up another 15 odd Caches, and I am also planning a two night solo camp over at Arley to pick up quite a few! (Just hoping I can get everything I need before the summer season dissipates!) Has anyone got any camping tips they could pass on? 

Monday, 10 August 2015

The Importance of Binoculars

Pyronia Tithonus - Gatekeeper Butterlfy 
This is becoming a regular thing, myself apologising whole heartedly for not posting for sooooo long. So here I am again, now that life in my new house is all settled, determined to keep this blog going! (Promise!)

Today my lovely friend Sarah  joined me in Bewdley before she jets off to Canada for a whole year!! So we decided on a stroll along the river, having persuaded her to try out some Geocaching! We ended up finding four caches in total, and I think she may be hooked! A good day in my book. We also had a very good day wildlife wise too, although both annoyed we brought no binoculars with us!
A Dopping of Female Goosanders 
We spotted a butterfly on the vegetation alongside the river bank, snapped a picture and carried on. Having come home we were able to identify it as the Gatekeeper Butterfly. We almost settled on identifying it as the Small Heath Butterfly, until we noticed the number of white dots on the wing! (Gatekeepers have two not one!)
Sarah also spied a Kingfisher darting into the shrubbery on the other side of the river, but after waiting silently for some time, we decided to walk on.
I also spotted a dopping of female Goosanders on the river, a bird I had no seen before, so that was exciting, but gutted having no binoculars!
I promise to post again very soon!
If you'd like check out my instagram to see what I'm up to!

The Wilderness Warrior