This is the place that made me fall in love with nature.
I became encompassed with beauty and life, I would go a wandering for hours on end, lunch packed and trails to follow and explore.
The Severn Valley Country Park is a 120+ Acre park of absolute habitat heaven. Built upon the ruin of a 400 year old coal mine, the park is made up of a variety of woodland, river banks, orchids, wild flower meadows, ponds and grassland. All of these habitats are passionately looked after my a team of rangers and dedicated volunteers, a group that has now been running since the Park's opening, back in 1992.
With such a vast variety of well kept habitats it is no surprise that the variety of wildlife and plant-life is vast too. Precious Bee Orchids and vibrant King Fishers all make this park their home. The river banks are bursting with life, colourful Common Darters and resting Moorhens. The woodlands enchanting, Tawny Owls sleeping and an all matter of Tits going about their business!(Hur hur)
This is an absolute gem located in the Midlands that I really do think you should go and visit
You can check out there webpage
I began enjoying the park around 12 years ago, and I became an official volunteer at the park when I was about 18. And I can safely say that I have enjoyed every minute of it, okay well maybe not the Ragwort pulling. I have had the pleasure of meeting so many truly beautiful and kind people, and the opportunity to help look after the place I love. And it has definitely made me realise that this is what I want to do, I want to submerse myself in the natural world, learn everything I can to help better my understanding. Because our country parks and reserves are such precious things, and we really need to look after them, now and for the future.