Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The Wildlife Trust Challenges You!

I quite literally cannot believe that June will be arriving tomorrow, where on earth is the time going!? But we all know (at least I hope we do! Where have you been, under a rock!?) that June signifies the 2nd year of the 30 Days Wild Challenge! Last year I was an official blogger, and well, you may remember that I was utterly rubbish at keeping you guys updated (Oh haha, who's surprised let's be honest!)

Anyway, completely ignoring the obvious shortcomings of the writer, lets see what this is actually all about.

So why? Well, The Wildlife Trust is challenging you to do something wild EVERY SINGLE DAY for June, pretty simple right? Actually, it is! You can go to this link here  to find out alllll about it, but I am going to attempt to document everything I do, every single day! I have compiled a very basic ideas of some of the things I want to do this month, I haven't quite got 30, but that leaves me room for some spontaneous adventures! (All subject to change, I mean who knows, anything could happen!)

  1. Create a wild decorate mobile 
  2. Create a wild home (I did this last year - but its stuck on a wall up in Scotland!) 
  3. Picnic in the wild! 
  4. Meditate in the wild 
  5. Organise a community litter pick 
  6. Find all the colours of the rainbow
  7. Search for mini-wilderness 
  8. Sketch up close 
  9. Write a wild poem 
  10. Enjoy a sunset 
  11. Take a dusk walk 
  12. Watch the sunset 
  13. Make a weather chart for the month! (I'm pretty excited about this one!)
  14. Volunteer! (I have email my local Scout group!)
  15. Explore the Wyre Forest 
  16. Finally go visit an RSPB Reserve! (I have an extra free pass if anyone is interested ;) )
  17. Bake for nature
  18. Discover some urban wilderness
  19. Write to a local magazine
  20. Paint a wild landscape 
  21. Read some wild poetry 
  22. Go to a nature Art exhibition 
  23. Join a local walking group!
  24. Go Birdwatching 
So, there we go, I will be documenting my adventures on this blog, my twitter account (@WildWarriorBlog) and on my instagram account! 

Stay Wild!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Pre-Camping Trip Excitement

A super short post today - I mean this could almost be a tweet!

You know that feeling you get the day of a camping trip?
The; "Oh god have I actually got everything I need?"

But heck, its the first camping trip of the year for me, and I've invested in some new kit so I'm going to see how it all goes!

I'm going for three nights in a campsite near Great Malvern, England. It's more of a 'glamp' compared to what I have been preparing myself for, (we're talking proper air beds and an actual two ring hob!)

So fingers crossed for a dry weekend full on walking and good times!

Will speak to you soon!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Hedgehog Awareness Week

I'm not sure if you are aware, but this week is Hedgehog Awareness Week! (Are you aware now? Good.) From 1st-7th May the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (Click here to see their site!) are trying to raise awareness for our poor little fellows, because they are really struggling. Their aim is to highlight issues and what we can do to help them out.

The numbers of hedgehogs in both rural and urban areas has been declining rapidly since the turn of the century, with rural populations having declined by up to 50%, and urban populations declined by more than a third. Because of these staggering numbers, Hedgehogs became a conservation species priority in 2007. But what if we're too late?

The biggest change we can contribute to is all the little ones, we need to be aware ourselves, and to raise awareness to other people too. So please, this week pledge to do just that. if we all did just one positive thing to benefit hedgehogs, or to even make one single other person aware of what they can do, then it's all a lot better than doing nothing at all.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures. so if  there's one about it your garden during the day, then something will be wrong. If you have serious concerns then the advice given from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, is to pick them up with a towel and place them in a box, if possible keep them warm with a hot water bottle and get into contact with your local wildlife sanctuary. If available you can try feeding them meaty cat or dog food, or complete cat biscuits, and plenty of fresh water.

So how can you make your garden a hedgehog oasis?

  • First and foremost, avoid using pesticides and slug pellets, this will no only benefit hedgehogs, but their food chain and the chains of other animals. 
  • Keep as much of your garden as 'wild' as you can (this also means you can take time off because you don't have to do anything - double whammy i think!), areas like this will not only provide natural food sources, but will also act as a sanctuary and provide protection. 
  • A water supply is also really important, especially during the hot and long summer days, a simple shallow dish of fresh water is perfect.
  • You can also make or buy a hedgehog home for your garden, check out this link here for inspiration! 
So please please please, spread some positivity and some love and make people aware of a problem that can be prevented, or at the very least, slowed down.