Now, this is not something you are born with, but is something to be gained through sheer guts and determination. For only the truly strong will survive into professionalism.
But all jokes aside, birdwatching most definately isn't for everyone, and takes a good deal of practice, but often with unmistakable benefits. I remember the first time I sat in a bird hide, cold, confused and simply impatient. And of course I wasn't going to see anything, mostly because I simply didn't want it enough, and because nature takes time. It's really as simple as that!
My top 3 tips for birdwatching:
1. Wrap up warm (Obviously) Often times I have been sat on a cold morning much longer than I initially anticipated too, after all, some days can just be really good like that!
2. Invest in a decent thermos flask! Much related to the previous point, it really is important to make yourself comfortable whilst you're waiting about.
3. And while you're waiting, get used to the scenery. In my case I spend this time setting up my camera settings, trying out settings in order to get the best shot when the opportunity arises. There really is nothing worse than not being camera ready when a beautiful bird finally decides to grace you with it's presence.
Now, about a fortnight ago (can you tell I've been super busy with first university assignments) I had the opportunity to go back to the Severn Valley Country Park, so sat in the bird hide for almost 2 hours in the morning. At first there was nothing, but the key here is to be stubborn and wait it out a bit longer. And I am yet to be disappointed. Like buses, many came at once. Groups of Great Tits, Blue Tits, a pair of Pheasants, A shy Heron and an inquisitive Robin. And perhaps, if my ID is correct a little Dunnock. (which is a first for me I believe)
I would ID this little fellow as a Dunnock, any other suggestions? |