Thursday, 26 January 2017

Ever have one of those days where you quite literally get everything done? Well today has been one of those days, so I thought it best to sit down and give my blog a little bit of attention!

I haven't been up to much lately, my first semester at university is finished (which I quite honestly can't believe!) All of my January assignments have been completed, and exams sat! So I have had a week between that and the start of the second semester, and I haven't even had time to get out with the camera! (which makes me so sad!)

However, I did manage to catch a crazy five minutes this morning, I got back to my room after a promising interview (which will both secure my accommodation and extra money next year! so fingers crossed y'all!) I saw the dart of a Goldcrest on the tree outside my window. And I kid you not when I say I have never grabbed my camera so quick in my entire life! So I sat down and in the space of literally 5 minutes the tree was abound with Blue Tits, Great Tits, Redwings, Long-tailed Tits and a lovely little Goldcrest! I'm not sure my flatmate was please when I screamed about there being a Goldcrest, but I know that you guys get it ... right!?

So here are a few shots! (and my first decent and in focus photograph of a Goldcrest!)

Blue Tit

A Beautiful Puff Ball! (Goldcrest)

Great Tit

Long Tailed Tit - Out of focus but I thought it looked artsy :P

A new addition to the neighbourhood - a Redwing! 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Where is the time going?

I can't believe it's almost been another whole month since I last posted, I honestly have no idea where the time is going, or what the hell I've been doing with it! Okay well I do know, mostly sleeping and ploughing through all of my university deadlines. (I mean, who on earth came up with the idea of January assignments!?)

As a result I haven't taken any time to go out and see nature, apart from a new mutation of Song Thrushes that have taken a liking to the tree outside of my bedroom window! (And so I am thankful for the last few remaining berries, perhaps a Hawthorn tree?, that are keeping them interested!)

However, I did take a trip to the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham (on a date I'll have you know ;) ). Although quite different from what I usually post, I enjoyed the opportunity to try out my camera in a new setting! It was interesting to see and read about some of the amazing species they have there, being the only place in the UK to breed a certain penguin, to ensure that all centres are keeping healthy and managed penguins! There are stories like these all across the centre, ensuring that visitors are aware of the real issues facing aquatic wildlife, and how the tourist industry really needs to be a sustainable and happy industry.

Here are a few shots from the day: