An absolutely sodden day tonight! It just about managed to dry up and brighten in time for me to head home for work - and just as I was packing away the outdoor cafe furniture, I spotted this little guy drying off on the windowsill! I calmy had to run into the shop to grab my phone to get a photo!
Now for anyone who doesn't know, this little guy is a Buff Tip Moth! He stands out a lot on our beautiful teal paintwork, but he is designed to camouflage as a Silver Birch twig. I'd known about these moths, but this is the first I have seen with my very own eyes, and of course I was embarrassingly excited about it. (Making sure to message my best friend about it all as quick as I could!)
So, I've made it a job that any species I spot I'm going to learn me some facts!
- Their Italian name is Phalera bucephala (Okay so I'm probably not going to remember that)
- They are a common species, often found in farmland, grassland, towns and gardens and woodland
- You are likely to see them in June and July (mostly at evening or night!)
I also went for a quick walk this evening after dinner, I didn't manage to escape the rain this time! But I did spot a wagtail of some sorts! It was either a yellow or a grey wagtail, oh I cannot wait to buy myself a camera that will do these beautiful species some justice! (only another £492.78 to go!)
What wild things have you been up to?
From the location, your Wagtail would have been Grey. :-) A further fact about Buff-tips - When you stay up all night watching the moth trap, Buff-tips always come to the trap after midnight. :-)