I still don't think I've gotten over the excitement of this challenge, I mean you wouldn't think I was an adult or anything! For Day One I sat down with a hot cuppa (and too many chocolate digestives to admit), and caught up with this years Springwatch! Once again this year they are filming from the RSPB Minsmere Reserve, down on the East coast of England. That place looks absolutely astonishing! That's definately going on my big old 'to do' list! This year, for the first time. they have managed to cam a Golden Eagle nest! (and yes, you know it's just as amazing as you think!) You can actually watch the live webcams live by clicking this link right
For Day Two I sat out on my front step to enjoy my first coffee of the day! (We all know that's the most important one) I let the cold air wake me up slowly, the sweet sound of birdsong filling my ears. This is the exact reason why this 30 day challenge is so amazing, it isn't about scaling the highest mountain you can every day. it's about consciously opening up your life for nature, and it's the small things that make that big difference! It didn't take long for my joyful meditation to be interrupted by my poor herb garden in desperate need of a watering - but I am really happy with how everything is growing! (Except for the Thyme, honestly letting the team down!) You should check out my '
National Gardening Month' post to see what it looked like before!
Sweet Pea, Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme and Chives! |
Admit it, you wish you had slippers as cool as mine! |
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