Wednesday, 29 June 2016

#30DaysWild Fin!

Okay, I know that technically it all finishes tomorrow, but tomorrow I will hopefully be too full from curry and too tipsy to be blogging! So I am finishing this challenge off today!

I haven't been doing too well the past week or so, for personal reasons, but for the most part, I have kept up to date! So here is my big old recap!

  1. Watched Springwatch!
  2. Had breakfast outside 
  3. Educated myself on the Goosander
  4. Got tweeted my the @30DaysWild account! Thanks for wishing me to get better!)
  5. Spotted 2 kingfishers hunting along the river 
  6. Attempted to make a vlog  - and failed terribly! 
  7. Made some ink drawings of some common leaves 
  8. Went for a run in the wild 
  9. Spotted a female Goosander with her chicks!
  10. Wandered around a nature inspired art gallery
  11.  Spent the day at Severn Valley Country Park - Identified a lot of species! 
  12. Appreciated the beauty of my Sweet Pea plant growing 
  13. Watched as the heavens opened 
  14. Spotted a beautiful Buff Tip Moth 
  15. Got tweeted by Chris Packham himself! 
  16. Took a walk along the flooded river 
  17. Researched the effects of hiking on our wellbeing 
  18. Wrote a wild poem 
  19. Did some nature inspired art journaling 
  20. Learnt about urban wildlife 
  21. Helped at a beautiful outdoor wedding 
  22. Found the rainbow! 
  23. Made a weather chart for the month 

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