Friday, 3 June 2016

#30DaysWild Day 3!

Treated myself to a nice and cosy night in for my challenge today! (Probably the only perk of feeling less than 100%!)

A few months back I spotted a mysterious bird meandering down the river, disappearing and then reappearing some few meters away. Now, I feel the need to produce a disclaimer before I go any further, I am not, by any means a bird expert, heck I'm probably totally wrong! But either way, I am trying to educate myself.

Right, where even was I ... ah yes, I was stood, lingering, waiting to spot it come back up. I was totally transfixed, a bird that I had never spotted before, on the same patch of river I had walked for months beforehand, and the only identification I have been able to come up with, is that it may be a Goosander! Here's the very few pictures I've managed, and the quality is absolutely awful, but you're just gonna have to deal with it! (Roll on the day I can afford a decent camera for myself!)

Do you guys agree? If not then pleasssse get in touch with me! I need to know what this beautiful bird is!

Regardless of what it is, I thought I would teach myself a few things about the Goosander anyway. It's Latin name is Mergus Merganser and it is a sociable bird (although I have only ever seen one of them, BUT it does hang out with all the swans and geese? does that count!?) It tends to nest in upland rivers, nesting in tree holes and crevices. The call of the Male can be determined by a low pitched croaking, whereas a harsh 'karr' sound and cackle with determine the female.

I may not have jumped in some cool puddles for my challenge (some of the things I have seen people doing have been amazing!) but I learnt myself a few new things!

Stay Wild Folks!

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